Hill: Hold Your Own Military Forum

She didn't smile enough.  She smiled too much.  She's shrill.  She should be herself.  She should be something she's not.  She's sick.  

It should be clear by now that Hillary has both good and bad media days.  And good and bad moments.  It's also clear that she's a serious candidate.  

She should have her own Commander-In-Chief forum, one that promises and delivers tough but respectful questions and moderated by someone who takes our troops and our political candidates.   

Rachel Maddow would be the ideal moderator.  She loves the military, has covered it and supports it.  Perhaps Paul Reickoff, of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, could co-host.  The audience could be similar in composition to that of the previous forum, but it should be at least an hour long, allow for follow-up questions, and focus more on the future than on the past.  

If Hillary were to propose such a forum, it's hard to imagine any network, and especially not MSNBC, turning it down.  She would dominate the news for at least a night, and trump Trump at his own game.  




Edward Yutkowitz