Welcome to Visions For America

If you love America, you’ve got to be worried. Over the past three years, the Bush Administration has compiled an unparalleled record of failure that does not bode well for the future of this country. 

The Administration has been secretive, manipulative, deceitful -- and incompetent. It failed to protect the country from attack on September 11, 2001, failed to kill or capture the terrorists who organized the attack, and failed to tell the truth about war in Iraq. It has ruthlessly attacked its political enemies, and consistently been wrong in its predictions on Iraq and the economy.

In the days following September 11, 2001, virtually the entire world was on our side. 

Thanks to George Bush, the whole world now despises us.

The Administration has been wrong about virtually everything. But the President has said he can’t think of a single mistake he’s made in office.

Despite the grave problems facing the nation at home and abroad, broadcast media has failed to look out for the public interest. It hasn’t provided perspective or critical coverage of the Administration's domestic and foreign policies. It hasn’t helped the American public understand the difference between fact and fiction, between truth and lies, between what the Bush Administration and its supporters say and what they do. 

The President clearly has his supporters. This is America, and we are each entitled to our own opinions. But no one, not even the President, is entitled to his own facts. 

Thomas Jefferson said, “"If we're going to have a successful democratic society, we have to have a well educated and healthy citizenry."

This web site honors the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson. In the spirit of education, it presents some facts – and opinions, which will be clearly delineated -- that argue against the reelection of George Bush. 

You can draw your own conclusions. But if you’re in a position of influence, we ask you to share what you learn here. 

Let your friends and colleagues know about us. If you find factual errors, please let us know. And whatever you do, VOTE. It’s your right, your privilege, and your obligation. It’s your voice. Make it count.

God Bless America

Edward Yutkowitz