Defuse Republicans Hatred of America
Trashing America - and Democrats - is a favorite pastime of Republicans. Not a minute goes by that they’re not complaining about our government, our culture, and our decline.
Democrats are only now taking the opposite tack, proclaiming their pride in America, and expressing a bright vision of hope and possibility for the country.
But they’ve got to do more, and fast.
Donald Trump’s political career is based on grievances about America’s dysfunction and decline. His vision of America is a dystopian nightmare of crime and corruption, from the “deep state” to a loss of respect overseas to immigrants stealing our jobs and raping our women.
None of it is true, and most Americans don’t feel particularly oppressed nor fearful. But politically he’s been extraordinarily successful. Essentially, he asks, “Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?”
And his cult slavishly responds, “You, dear leader.”
Democrats are terrified of emulating Hillary Clinton’s “deplorable” remarks. They don’t want to feed the anger of the the people she rightly decried. But it’s never been clear that she was wrong on substance or on the politics of expressing her view.
Given their fear, Democrats have bent over backwards to show sympathy for aggrieved Fox viewers and red state denizens. But that doesn’t mean they should ignore the Republicans lies, misinformation (or more appropriately, disinformation), or the results of their decades-long campaign to brainwash the American public - especially the less educated and those in rural, sparsely populated areas.
Don’t make it personal. Go after the right-wing war machine, especially the people who make money off it.
Don’t call Trump supporters names. But go after those who hate America, and express sorrow for those who hate their own lives. Gently point out how they’ve been fed misled by powerful interests who have their own - or foreign - interests at heart.
Most of all, go on Fox News programs, the way Pete Buttigieg does. Soften the image of Democrats as demons. Show our human side. Describe how Republicans have a vested interest in ginning up hate. Build up some trust. Most of all, explain how Democratic policies are in the best interests of most Fox views.
The hatred of most Trump supporters will never be defused. But the reasonable middle - those who really want solutions, those who still have faith in America - can be reached. The middle has moved right in recent years. Democrats still have a chance to win them over.