Democrats Are United Against Trump

Democrats are torn between loyalty to Joe Biden and fears that he can’t win.  It’s an agonizing choice and a dispiriting process, and it’s pit allies each other.

But it shouldn’t obscure the fact that all Democrats are against Trump and will come together to defeat him and save democracy - no matter who their candidate ends up being.

Democratic leaders would be wise to remember this and stop making absolutist pronouncements that they may have to walk back.  It may be too much to expect, but they should be reassuring the public that the goal is winning -  whatever option they support.

If Biden does withdraw he should do with dignity, as a statesman, as a man sacrificing his own ambitions for the good of the country.  He shouldn’t acknowledge his inability to serve, but rather should present this altruistically, as an opportunity to give others the opportunity complete the work he’s started.

He should remind everyone that’s he’ll be working on behalf of the American people till January 20, and will offer his experienced counsel to whoever succeeds him.

Democrats should make the competition to replace him as open and democratic as possible.  They should make the convention an exercise in democracy and good will, use it as the time and place to make and announce their decision, and use it to fully engage the American public.  Handled efficiently to maximize its dramatic potential, the convention could and should reinvent the party and the campaign.

The convention should be an opportunity to enable Democrats to immediately unite around an agreement to select a candidate quickly and expeditiously as possible.

Democrats may be in political disarray at the moment.  But if in a month they come together, they may be able to inspire and uplift the American public enough to be within striking distance of victory.

And then the hard work of campaigning begins.

edward yutkowitz